It’s that time of year again…

Once again, April 16th is approaching.  I don’t think about this day, or the people I knew, nearly as much as I used to.  Back in 2007, and for a few years after, I felt that I should try to remember it everyday; almost in honor, so that the memories I have of my professors and friends would stay bright and sharp in my mind.  I was afraid I would forget, and what that might imply.

My initial reaction to the events that day was to (1) run away from the place that I loved, but wasn’t sure I recognized anymore, and later (2) find something productive to do with my life and try my hardest to succeed at it, in lieu of the many wonderful people who never got the chance to see their dreams (lives, really) come to fruition.

Looking back on that brings to mind something someone near and dear to me once said…Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.  Turns out, you can’t run away when what you’re running away from is yourself.  I thought I needed to put all my effort into being successful, and studying, and doing something that mattered because other people weren’t lucky enough to get the chance to do so.  Now, I know that what matters is spending time doing things you are passionate about that make you feel like you, and cherishing the people you love.  This year, on April 16th, I will be thinking of the many people I love, am lucky to know, and am lucky to have had pass through my life…all while spending the day doing something I love, climbing.


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