On my mind.

First off, before I forget, in the non-climbing world…I read a few things that have been on my mind lately.

1. Time does not heal all things, it just covers things up.

2. Underneath anxiety is something even harder, and it is not enough just to know what that something is.

3. Turning toward pain and suffering in a loving way is a precondition to turning toward meaning and purpose.

The first one…yes.  Life doesn’t have a timeline, and neither does processing life’s events.

Okay, now onto climbing!

At the gym last night, managed to strain a pulley (I suspect, anyway) while hanging from two-finger pockets, I heard a small *pop*.  Ahh! Hopefully some ice will help speed up the healing process.

Last week, after a looooong night of traveling and flight delays, I somehow managed to send a pretty dynamic V3 I’d been trying lately!


Not the send go, but a bit before.

This past weekend, Meg and I took full advantage of the warm weather and lack of snow here on the Front Range.  Saturday, we drove out to the 420’s in the Poudre Canyon (pronounced poot-er, emphasis on poot, for all of you non-Coloradoans.  Yes, it’s a fun word to say.).  Turns out, just because it’s 60+ F and sunny in FoCo doesn’t mean it can’t be 15-20 F degrees cooler up the canyon.  But, we got on some fun problems – both of us made progress on Scarface (V6!) and The Puffing Stone (V5).  We met some new people out there who happen to go to our gym and got some pretty good beta from them.  A good day all around.

Meg crimpin’ hard on Scarface.
Me thinking about it, ha.










Sunday, we decided to head to Boulder and checkout the Satellite boulders at the base of the second Flatiron.  This proved to be a bit of an adventure – after two hours of hiking (or wondering around?) we finally found them.  Thank you, chalk.  We worked a really fun, and hard, roof V1.  Our butts still hurt from this.  Nothing like a roof traverse with one heel on the whole way.  IMG_5053.JPG

Alright, that’s all for now folks!


I’ve spent a fair amount of time this year thinking about things I’d like to do…and only now did it occur to me to actually write (definitely just typed ‘right’) them down.  So, here it goes…

2016 Climbing Life Goals

  • Do my first sport lead
  • Climb V5
  • Sport lead at least 5.10
  • Learn to be okay with falling! And maybe try to like it.
  • Travel abroad
  • Do that 12-miler trail run I signed up for.  I think I’ll pass on setting a time limit for that, ha.
  • Be more like Franke from Grace and Frankie because, well, she’s just plain cool.
  • EDIT: eat more veggies.

Okay, I think that’ll suffice for now.